
light project photos [5]

This photo that I think can present the reflection completely. The reason is that the shadow of this building reflects in the front building and at the same time the front building also has shadow in this building. It means the building have shadow in itself. It is a very interesting phenomenon.

 I  like the photo, because the reflection of other building in this building looks obvious, which can emphasise the reflection of the project very well.
Also, I select an idea from mathematics is the triangle. You can see from the bottom until the top when you draw horizonal line in the picture.

 I prefer this photo because not only the reflection is obvious but also the light inside the building which express the reflection in  a building not a drawing or post.

 I accepted the advice of tutor and took the photo again which only focus on the strong reflection on the part of the building.
I found that the reflecion of other building in this building is not very clear, especially the left part of the building.
I realise that I should concentrate on the reflection of the building not the original building.

the reflection on the right hand side of the building looks obvous, but not on the left. I am still thinking about whether I will choose the photo for this project.

I took all these photos at around 12 o'clock, so the reflecion in some buildings are not very clear.

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